Saturday, December 10, 2011

Somalian children win guns in radio contest

From Reuters

Children in Somalia have been given guns, cash and religious books for winning a radio contest, according to reports.
The BBC reported the first-place winners of a contest in which the kids recited the Koran on the air received an AK-47 and the equivalent of $700, while the second place winners got an AK-47 and $500. Third place winners were given two hand grenades and $400. All the winners were also given religious books.
"Youths should use one hand for education and the other for a gun to defend Islam," senior al-Shabab official Mukhtar Robow told those attending the ceremony in Elasha, 20 km from Mogadishu, the BBC reported.
The radio contest on Andulus radio, linked to al-Qaida, was held during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
BBC correspondent Mohamed Moalumni reported this is the third year the contest has been held.

Life inside Somalia is hard.

On the limit.

What do ship captains do to protect themselves.

Since they can't legally carry firearms ship captains have several deterrent methods to deal with the threat.

Catching up with the Pirates

With naval blockades and patrols things have become even more risky and deadly for the pirates. 

What gets targeted most might not be what you think.

Slow moving ships are always an easy target.  However you'd be surpised to see that fishing ships are among the top of the list.  The red number show the total number of that type of ship that was attacked.  While the white number inside is human hostages taken.  Click to enlarge.

Strike zones

Let's take a look at the map of hits.  As you can see the farther out they go the less effective they are.  They also have some favorite spots that are in the path of shipping lanes.

New topic is Somali Pirates!

The pirates of Somalia risk their lives for booty that is worth millions.  Mega tankers and richmens yachts are just some of the tasty treats they look for.

Start of Part 2

Start of Part 2